The Friends of Czech Heritage – newsletter

The Château of Čečovice

Cecovice zamek2003 5
IMAG0758Aug2015 cSusova

In the latter part of 2014 we received a plea for help from Mrs Miroslava Šusová who has been valiantly trying to save the château for the local community. She writes, „Yes, we do occasionally get help from family and friends but it is I who function as the manager, cleaner, curator and PR expert – all in one person. I try to obtain grants, sweep after the winter snows, knock down the dividing walls put up by the last owner – the local co-operative farm, and with the family cut the grass around the château. Some people think we are mad but when our summer festival opens to the public and the courtyard is all lit up, a joyous atmosphere prevails and the château lives again.“

The task that she faces is Herculean. It is our policy to provide grants that enable the recipients to seek funding from other sources. We have therefore agreed to offer a grant to help secure the future of the château.

We wish the hard-working volunteers a bright future in returning the château back to the community.

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Články o zámku Čečovice: